
Helmermaidlo there. Welcome to Literary Mermaid, a blog written by a real life wannabe mermaid who loves literature.

I’m Katy, a British MA English student, whose dream has always been to be a mermaid. The orange hair makes me feel more mermaid like but the fact that I can’t go swimming anymore is definitely a negative. I’m a huge reader and have my own mini library in the spare room in my house. It’s extremely cosy and very good to nap in.

I live in the North West with my partner, Mike and daughter, Meghan. We have a dog, a cat and a hamster. I work part time in a stockroom of a retail store while studying and drink far too much Costa coffee while at work.

As well as reading, my favourite things to do are watch TV series and films, bullet journal, sleep and ‘play stupid Facebook games’, as Mike lovingly calls them.

Enjoy your visit and come back soon!

5 thoughts on “About

  1. I love books and movies too. I can’t get enough of them. I also love the sunshine. And I also got my degree in England, even though I’m not from there. Nice blog you have here! Thanks for following mine 🙂

  2. Aronofsky and Gus Van Sant – yes, indeed. Pi was brilliant. And My own private Idaho floored me with its wide open skies. Gorgeous. What about Michael Haneke? The White Ribbon is one of the most disturbing films I’ve seen in years. And Jane Campion – such a subtle director… Thanks for the follow!

    1. I only seen Hidden by Haneke but I loved it. Those long takes just made me smile. I definitely plan on watching some other by him as soon as I get round to it! I’ve been following you for a while through an RSS reader but decided to follow you directly through WordPress instead.

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